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Sell Broken Ranks Accounts Today

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What to Base a Price on When Selling Broken Ranks Accounts

One of the biggest problems of online sellers is how to set a fair price on their offers. Buyers won’t like a price that’s too expensive, and they won’t be able to profit if it’s too low. The balance can be hard to find, but here are helpful tips in achieving that balance.

  1. Look at the levels of the characters in the account. It’s a good baseline for finding out how far the account has progressed in the game. Factor in how long it took to reach that level, and that should be a good starting point in finding a price. Obviously, lower-leveled characters will fetch a lower price than higher-leveled ones.
  2. Check the equipment and other resources the account holds. Better equipment will fetch a higher price, as well as having materials or currency to smooth the leveling experience. Without these things, the account’s price can remain a bit low.
  3. If the account was used to play The Pride of Taern, then it has access to a few more items than fresh accounts made for Broken Ranks. This can drive its price higher since it can be seen as prestigious to have those items.

Sellers have the choice of choosing to keep levels low but having full coffers of currency and materials for upgrades or crafting. Alternatively, it could be an account that’s high-leveled but has mediocre equipment and almost doesn’t own any money. Even though these two accounts have wildly different characteristics, they can end up having similar prices.

Buyers also have their own preferences. Sellers who can predict those might see their offers flying off the shelves, metaphorically.

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