TGS/LvL 40/Legendary x100(IV100Zekrom,Deoxys x7,Reshiram x6,Cresselia x4,Zapdos)/IV100 x5(Bagon)/Shiny x6(Regice)/Metagross/Salamence x4/904817Dust
I Want to Sell
Pokémon Go-Main Server
Sep-22-2024 10:42:48 AM
84 time(s)
Lvl 130-Day Seller Performance
- woniu
- Seller Lvl 1
- Member since 2017
2,145 Total orders1,494 Pokemon Go
account reviews -
99.0% Total rating99.0% Pokemon Go
account rating
Total orders: 2,145Member since: 20174.9Pokémon Go account : Seller Rating
$ 91.00

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All Accounts with: [PTC] [NoSlash] [NotBlind] [NoWarning] [Email Changeable] [Pokemon Full Detail Info]
TGS/LvL 40/Legendary x100(IV100Zekrom,Deoxys x7,Reshiram x6,Cresselia x4,Zapdos)/IV100 x5(Bagon)/Shiny x6(Regice)/Metagross/Salamence x4/904817Dust
[ $86.00] TGS/LvL 40/Legendary x112(IV100Reshiram,IV100Heatran,Zekrom x3)/IV100 x16/Shiny x22(Deoxys,Cresselia)/Slaking/Salamence x3/Instinct/1389623Dust
[ $54.00] TGS/LvL 40/Legendary x61(TapuLele x7)/IV100 x8(Bagon)/Shiny x26(Deoxys x2,Thundurus,Slakoth)/Tyranitar/Salamence x3/Dragonite x2/Mystic/1395375Dust
[ $52.80] TGS/LvL 40/Legendary x53(TapuLele x6)/IV100 x18(Bagon x2,Togetic)/Shiny x22(Deoxys,Tornadus)/Deino/Slakoth x2/Salamence x3/Dratini x8/1514986Dust
[ $21.00] TGS/LvL 30/Legendary x12(Dialga x12)/Shiny x4(Dialga x2,Dratini,Ralts)/Bagon x6(883Candy)/Garchomp x4/Gible x20/Mystic/295425Dust
======== Account Info ========
Account : Pokemon Trainer Club Account (PokemonGo PTC)
Condition : Firsthand account, Handmade (TGS Store)
Google Login : Not Linked
Facebook Login : Not Linked
Email Address : Changeable
PTC Password : Changeable
Gender : Changeable
Avatar : Changeable
InGameName : Changeable (3 Times left)
InGameTrade : All Pokemon Tradeable (Except Mythical Pokemon: Deoxys x 7, Genesect x 9)
Pokemon & Item : 100% As Described
Team : Team Instinct(Yellow)
Discipline : None, Strike 0 (100% safe)
WarningStrike : No Warning
SuspensionStrike : No Suspension
BlindFlag : No BlindFlag
SlashFlag : No SlashFlag
======== Player Info ========
PlayerLevel: 40.2 (1,434k/6,000k XP)
StarDust: 0
===== Stat: Pokemon ====================
Total Count x 273 (9 eggs)
Already Traded x 0
CP3000+ x 8
CP2500+ x 28
IV100% Pokemon x 5
IV100% and Lv30+ x 3
IV100% and Lv35+ x 1
IV100% and Evolved x 2
Generation 1 x 85
Generation 2 x 11
Generation 3 x 54
Generation 4 x 10
Generation 5 x 78
Shiny x 6
Exclusive Move x 29
For Great League x 2
For Ultra League x 2
===== Stat: Item =======================
Rare Candy x 0
Fast TM x 44
Charged TM x 43
Lucky Egg x 2
Max Potion x 10
Max Revive x 9
===== Legendary Pokemon x 100 =============================================
Pokemon | IV | Lv | CP | Candy | Move
001.Deoxys | 91% | 25 | 2,229 | 187 | ZenHeadbutt HyperBeam
002.Deoxys | 80% | 25 | 2,194 | 187 | ChargeBeam HyperBeam
003.Deoxys | 80% | 25 | 1,992 | 187 | ZenHeadbutt Swift
004.Deoxys | 78% | 25 | 1,771 | 187 | ZenHeadbutt ZapCannon
005.Deoxys | 87% | 20 | 1,436 | 187 | PoisonJab DarkPulse
006.Deoxys | 80% | 20 | 1,420 | 187 | PoisonJab ZapCannon
007.Deoxys | 82% | 20 | 1,246 | 187 | ZenHeadbutt PsychoBoost
008.Cresselia | 82% | 25 | 1,986 | 12 | PsychoCut GrassKnot
009.Cresselia | 87% | 20 | 1,588 | 12 | Confusion GrassKnot
010.Cresselia | 76% | 20 | 1,580 | 12 | Confusion GrassKnot
011.Cresselia | 78% | 20 | 1,569 | 12 | PsychoCut GrassKnot
012.Reshiram | 87% | 25 | 2,846 | 18 | DragonBreath Crunch
013.Reshiram | 82% | 25 | 2,819 | 18 | FireFang Overheat
014.Reshiram | 82% | 25 | 2,815 | 18 | FireFang StoneEdge
015.Reshiram | 91% | 20 | 2,281 | 18 | DragonBreath StoneEdge
016.Reshiram | 89% | 20 | 2,273 | 18 | DragonBreath Overheat
017.Reshiram | 76% | 20 | 2,242 | 18 | DragonBreath StoneEdge
018.Zekrom | 100% | 25 | 2,884 | 320 | ChargeBeam Outrage
019.Zekrom | 93% | 25 | 2,858 | 320 | ChargeBeam Crunch
020.Zekrom | 91% | 25 | 2,845 | 320 | ChargeBeam Crunch
021.Zekrom | 96% | 20 | 2,294 | 320 | DragonBreath Crunch
022.Zekrom | 80% | 20 | 2,258 | 320 | ChargeBeam WildCharge
023.Zekrom | 84% | 20 | 2,257 | 320 | ChargeBeam Crunch
024.Zekrom | 82% | 20 | 2,252 | 320 | ChargeBeam FlashCannon
025.Zekrom | 76% | 20 | 2,245 | 320 | ChargeBeam WildCharge
026.Zapdos | 80% | 25 | 2,448 | 3 | ChargeBeam DrillPeck
027.Regirock | 89% | 20 | 1,767 | 18 | RockSmash Earthquake
028.Regirock | 93% | 20 | 1,761 | 18 | RockThrow Earthquake
029.Regirock | 84% | 20 | 1,758 | 18 | RockThrow Earthquake
030.Regirock | 84% | 20 | 1,753 | 18 | LockOn Earthquake
031.Regirock | 80% | 20 | 1,740 | 18 | LockOn Earthquake
032.Regirock | 78% | 20 | 1,723 | 18 | LockOn Earthquake
033.Regice | 78% | 25 | 2,164 | 18 | LockOn Thunder
034.Regice | 96% | 20 | 1,775 | 18 | LockOn Thunder
035.Regice | 82% | 20 | 1,746 | 18 | LockOn Thunder
036.Regice-s | 84% | 20 | 1,739 | 18 | LockOn Thunder
037.Regice | 87% | 20 | 1,734 | 18 | FrostBreath Thunder
038.Regice | 78% | 20 | 1,729 | 18 | FrostBreath Thunder
039.Registeel | 87% | 20 | 1,382 | 30 | RockSmash ZapCannon
040.Registeel | 82% | 20 | 1,356 | 30 | RockSmash ZapCannon
041.Registeel | 78% | 20 | 1,356 | 30 | LockOn ZapCannon
042.Registeel | 78% | 20 | 1,351 | 30 | RockSmash ZapCannon
043.Registeel | 76% | 20 | 1,335 | 30 | LockOn ZapCannon
044.Registeel | 71% | 20 | 1,330 | 30 | MetalClaw ZapCannon
045.Heatran | 82% | 25 | 2,626 | 15 | BugBite IronHead
046.Heatran | 93% | 20 | 2,124 | 15 | BugBite Flamethrower
047.Heatran | 91% | 20 | 2,116 | 15 | FireSpin IronHead
048.Heatran | 80% | 20 | 2,086 | 15 | BugBite StoneEdge
049.Heatran | 76% | 20 | 2,077 | 15 | BugBite FireBlast
050.Cobalion | 80% | 25 | 2,106 | 9 | MetalClaw SacredSword
051.Cobalion | 69% | 20 | 1,657 | 9 | MetalClaw SacredSword
052.Cobalion | 71% | 20 | 1,656 | 9 | MetalClaw SacredSword
053.Terrakion | 84% | 20 | 2,070 | 9 | SmackDown SacredSword
054.Terrakion | 82% | 20 | 2,063 | 9 | SmackDown SacredSword
055.Terrakion | 78% | 20 | 2,053 | 9 | SmackDown SacredSword
056.Virizion | 80% | 25 | 2,105 | 3 | QuickAttack SacredSword
057.Tornadus | 84% | 20 | 1,803 | 18 | Gust Psychic
058.Tornadus | 82% | 20 | 1,798 | 18 | Gust FocusBlast
059.Tornadus | 80% | 20 | 1,788 | 18 | Astonish Hurricane
060.Tornadus | 82% | 20 | 1,787 | 18 | Gust Hurricane
061.Tornadus | 80% | 20 | 1,783 | 18 | Astonish FocusBlast
062.Tornadus | 73% | 20 | 1,770 | 18 | Astonish HeatWave
063.Kyurem | 96% | 25 | 2,537 | 51 | DragonBreath DracoMeteor
064.Kyurem | 80% | 25 | 2,499 | 51 | DragonBreath DracoMeteor
065.Kyurem | 80% | 25 | 2,481 | 51 | DragonBreath Blizzard
066.Kyurem | 93% | 20 | 2,027 | 51 | DragonBreath DracoMeteor
067.Kyurem | 89% | 20 | 2,021 | 51 | DragonBreath Blizzard
068.Kyurem | 89% | 20 | 2,015 | 51 | DragonBreath Blizzard
069.Kyurem | 89% | 20 | 2,013 | 51 | DragonBreath DragonClaw
070.Kyurem | 84% | 20 | 2,012 | 51 | DragonBreath Blizzard
071.Kyurem | 87% | 20 | 2,011 | 51 | DragonBreath DracoMeteor
072.Kyurem | 87% | 20 | 2,007 | 51 | DragonBreath Blizzard
073.Kyurem | 89% | 20 | 2,003 | 51 | SteelWing DracoMeteor
074.Kyurem | 87% | 20 | 2,002 | 51 | SteelWing DracoMeteor
075.Kyurem | 80% | 20 | 1,996 | 51 | DragonBreath DracoMeteor
076.Kyurem | 82% | 20 | 1,994 | 51 | SteelWing Blizzard
077.Kyurem | 82% | 20 | 1,992 | 51 | DragonBreath Blizzard
078.Kyurem | 78% | 20 | 1,985 | 51 | DragonBreath DracoMeteor
079.Kyurem | 76% | 20 | 1,977 | 51 | DragonBreath Blizzard
080.Genesect | 89% | 25 | 2,354 | 27 | MetalClaw TechnoBlastShock
081.Genesect | 89% | 20 | 1,890 | 27 | MetalClaw TechnoBlastShock
082.Genesect | 89% | 20 | 1,888 | 27 | FuryCutter TechnoBlastShock
083.Genesect | 89% | 20 | 1,887 | 27 | FuryCutter TechnoBlastShock
084.Genesect | 84% | 20 | 1,879 | 27 | MetalClaw TechnoBlastShock
085.Genesect | 84% | 20 | 1,878 | 27 | FuryCutter TechnoBlastShock
086.Genesect | 84% | 20 | 1,871 | 27 | FuryCutter TechnoBlastShock
087.Genesect | 84% | 20 | 1,871 | 27 | MetalClaw TechnoBlastShock
088.Genesect | 80% | 20 | 1,864 | 27 | MetalClaw TechnoBlastShock
089.TapuKoko | 87% | 25 | 2,225 | 18 | VoltSwitch Thunderbolt
090.TapuKoko | 93% | 20 | 1,796 | 18 | QuickAttack Thunder
091.TapuKoko | 93% | 20 | 1,794 | 18 | QuickAttack DazzlingGleam
092.TapuKoko | 89% | 20 | 1,784 | 18 | VoltSwitch Thunderbolt
093.TapuKoko | 82% | 20 | 1,766 | 18 | QuickAttack BraveBird
094.TapuKoko | 73% | 20 | 1,744 | 18 | QuickAttack BraveBird
095.TapuLele | 91% | 25 | 2,470 | 18 | Astonish Futuresight
096.TapuLele | 91% | 25 | 2,468 | 18 | Confusion Futuresight
097.TapuLele | 87% | 25 | 2,457 | 18 | Confusion FocusBlast
098.TapuLele | 87% | 25 | 2,453 | 18 | Astonish Psyshock
099.TapuLele | 84% | 20 | 1,962 | 18 | Confusion FocusBlast
100.TapuLele | 76% | 20 | 1,932 | 18 | Astonish FocusBlast
===== Pokemon With Exclusive Move x 29 =====================
Pokemon | IV | Lv | CP | Move
001.Registeel | 71% | 20 | 1,330 | MetalClaw ZapCannon
002.Registeel | 87% | 20 | 1,382 | RockSmash ZapCannon
003.Cobalion | 71% | 20 | 1,656 | MetalClaw SacredSword
004.Terrakion | 82% | 20 | 2,063 | SmackDown SacredSword
005.Regirock | 80% | 20 | 1,740 | LockOn Earthquake
006.Registeel | 82% | 20 | 1,356 | RockSmash ZapCannon
007.Cresselia | 82% | 25 | 1,986 | PsychoCut GrassKnot
008.Terrakion | 84% | 20 | 2,070 | SmackDown SacredSword
009.Cresselia | 87% | 20 | 1,588 | Confusion GrassKnot
010.Registeel | 76% | 20 | 1,335 | LockOn ZapCannon
011.Registeel | 78% | 20 | 1,351 | RockSmash ZapCannon
012.Regice | 96% | 20 | 1,775 | LockOn Thunder
013.Regice | 78% | 25 | 2,164 | LockOn Thunder
014.Regice-s | 84% | 20 | 1,739 | LockOn Thunder
015.Cobalion | 69% | 20 | 1,657 | MetalClaw SacredSword
016.Regirock | 89% | 20 | 1,767 | RockSmash Earthquake
017.Cresselia | 76% | 20 | 1,580 | Confusion GrassKnot
018.Regirock | 84% | 20 | 1,753 | LockOn Earthquake
019.Regirock | 84% | 20 | 1,758 | RockThrow Earthquake
020.Virizion | 80% | 25 | 2,105 | QuickAttack SacredSword
021.Terrakion | 78% | 20 | 2,053 | SmackDown SacredSword
022.Cobalion | 80% | 25 | 2,106 | MetalClaw SacredSword
023.Regice | 82% | 20 | 1,746 | LockOn Thunder
024.Regirock | 78% | 20 | 1,723 | LockOn Earthquake
025.Regirock | 93% | 20 | 1,761 | RockThrow Earthquake
026.Regice | 87% | 20 | 1,734 | FrostBreath Thunder
027.Registeel | 78% | 20 | 1,356 | LockOn ZapCannon
028.Regice | 78% | 20 | 1,729 | FrostBreath Thunder
029.Cresselia | 78% | 20 | 1,569 | PsychoCut GrassKnot
===== PvP Pokemon For [Ultra League] MaxCP 2500 x 2 ===================
Pokemon | Atk/Def/Sta | CP | Evolve(To) | CP(To) | Lv(To) | Rank
001.Magnemite | 00/09/14 | 659 | Magnezone | 2,499 | 29.5 | 92%
002.Dwebble | 12/14/15 | 196 | Crustle | 2,498 | 40 | 100%
===== PvP Pokemon For [Great League] MaxCP 1500 x 2 ==================
Pokemon | Atk/Def/Sta | CP | Evolve(To) | CP(To) | Lv(To) | Rank
001.Snorlax | 02/15/10 | 942 | | 1,499 | 17.5 | 94%
002.Bunnelby | 15/13/15 | 90 | Diggersby | 1,500 | 40 | 98%
===== Shiny Pokemon x 6 ===========================================================
Pokemon | Gender | CP | Atk/Def/Sta | IV | Lv | Move
001.Regice-s | | 1,739 | 12/15/11 | 84% | 20 | LockOn Thunder
002.Throh-s | Male | 1,343 | 12/01/00 | 29% | 20 | ZenHeadbutt LowSweep
003.Goldeen-s | Female | 748 | 13/14/05 | 71% | 24 | Peck HornAttack
004.Lillipup-s | Female | 509 | 01/12/07 | 44% | 23 | TakeDown RockTomb
005.Sentret-s | Male | 121 | 01/07/03 | 24% | 9 | Scratch GrassKnot
006.Glameow-s | Female | 102 | 04/03/01 | 18% | 5 | Scratch PlayRough
===== CP 2800+ Pokemon x 16 =========================================================
Pokemon | CP | Atk/Def/Sta | IV | Lv | Move | Gender
001.Salamence | 3,207 | 15/04/06 | 56% | 33 | Bite DracoMeteor | Male
002.Salamence | 3,198 | 05/05/12 | 49% | 34 | DragonTail HydroPump | Male
003.Salamence | 3,182 | 10/14/12 | 80% | 31 | Bite FireBlast | Male
004.Metagross | 3,122 | 05/07/14 | 58% | 31 | BulletPunch Earthquake |
005.Salamence | 3,115 | 10/10/15 | 78% | 30 | FireFang FireBlast | Female
006.Dragonite | 3,055 | 09/04/09 | 49% | 30 | DragonTail DragonClaw | Female
007.Gyarados | 3,045 | 14/12/05 | 69% | 35 | Waterfall Twister | Female
008.Gyarados | 3,002 | 08/09/13 | 67% | 35 | DragonBreath Outrage | Male
009.Snorlax | 2,934 | 14/13/08 | 78% | 35 | ZenHeadbutt Earthquake | Male
010.Snorlax | 2,888 | 13/08/10 | 69% | 35 | Lick SuperPower | Male
011.Zekrom | 2,884 | 15/15/15 | 100% | 25 | ChargeBeam Outrage |
012.Zekrom | 2,858 | 13/14/15 | 93% | 25 | ChargeBeam Crunch |
013.Reshiram | 2,846 | 15/12/12 | 87% | 25 | DragonBreath Crunch |
014.Zekrom | 2,845 | 11/15/15 | 91% | 25 | ChargeBeam Crunch |
015.Reshiram | 2,819 | 11/15/11 | 82% | 25 | FireFang Overheat |
016.Reshiram | 2,815 | 10/15/12 | 82% | 25 | FireFang StoneEdge |
1 x 100% IV and Double STAB Move
0 x 100% IV and Single STAB Move
===== IV 100% Pokemon x 5 ====================================================
Pokemon | IV | Lv | CP | Candy | Move | Gender
001.Zekrom | 100% | 25 | 2,884 | 320 | ChargeBeam Outrage |
002.Bagon | 100% | 31 | 1,007 | 43 | Bite Flamethrower | Female
003.Stoutland | 100% | 29 | 2,342 | 389 | Lick WildCharge | Female
004.Exeggcute | 100% | 35 | 1,091 | 18 | Confusion SeedBomb | Female
005.Exeggcute | 100% | 34 | 1,074 | 18 | BulletSeed AncientPower | Male
===== Snorlax Family x 19 =====================================================
Pokemon | IV | Lv | CP | Candy | Move | Atk/Def/Sta
001.Snorlax | 78% | 35 | 2,934 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt Earthquake | 14/13/08
002.Snorlax | 69% | 35 | 2,888 | 379 | Lick SuperPower | 13/08/10
003.Snorlax | 49% | 35 | 2,758 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt Outrage | 05/05/12
004.Snorlax | 69% | 32 | 2,739 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt HeavySlam | 13/04/14
005.Snorlax | 64% | 30 | 2,665 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt HeavySlam | 13/10/06
006.Snorlax | 58% | 30 | 2,595 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt Earthquake | 05/15/06
007.Snorlax | 38% | 30 | 2,503 | 379 | Lick BodySlam | 02/06/09
008.Snorlax | 22% | 30 | 2,478 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt SuperPower | 04/01/05
009.Snorlax | 71% | 28 | 2,450 | 379 | Lick HeavySlam | 06/14/12
010.Snorlax | 16% | 30 | 2,448 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt HeavySlam | 00/06/01
011.Snorlax | 58% | 28 | 2,388 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt HeavySlam | 04/07/15
012.Snorlax | 56% | 28 | 2,382 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt Outrage | 03/09/13
013.Snorlax | 80% | 26 | 2,335 | 379 | Lick Earthquake | 14/08/14
014.Snorlax | 69% | 26 | 2,315 | 379 | Lick SuperPower | 11/15/05
015.Snorlax | 60% | 26 | 2,290 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt SkullBash | 15/01/11
016.Snorlax | 89% | 25 | 2,268 | 379 | Lick HeavySlam | 14/11/15
017.Snorlax | 84% | 24 | 2,164 | 379 | Lick SkullBash | 12/14/12
018.Snorlax | 82% | 19 | 1,692 | 379 | Lick SuperPower | 09/14/14
019.Snorlax | 60% | 11 | 942 | 379 | Lick Earthquake | 02/15/10
===== Stat: Pokemon & Candy ==================================
Deoxys x 7 ( Candy x 187 ) | TopCP: 2,229 | TopIV: 91% |
Zekrom x 8 ( Candy x 320 ) | TopCP: 2,884 | TopIV: 100% |
Reshiram x 6 ( Candy x 18 ) | TopCP: 2,846 | TopIV: 91% |
Cresselia x 4 ( Candy x 12 ) | TopCP: 1,986 | TopIV: 87% |
Kyurem x 17 ( Candy x 51 ) | TopCP: 2,537 | TopIV: 96% |
Registeel x 6 ( Candy x 30 ) | TopCP: 1,382 | TopIV: 87% |
Genesect x 9 ( Candy x 27 ) | TopCP: 2,354 | TopIV: 89% |
TapuLele x 6 ( Candy x 18 ) | TopCP: 2,470 | TopIV: 91% |
TapuKoko x 6 ( Candy x 18 ) | TopCP: 2,225 | TopIV: 93% |
Tornadus x 6 ( Candy x 18 ) | TopCP: 1,803 | TopIV: 84% |
Regice x 6 ( Candy x 18 ) | TopCP: 2,164 | TopIV: 96% |
Regirock x 6 ( Candy x 18 ) | TopCP: 1,767 | TopIV: 93% |
Heatran x 5 ( Candy x 15 ) | TopCP: 2,626 | TopIV: 93% |
Terrakion x 3 ( Candy x 9 ) | TopCP: 2,070 | TopIV: 84% |
Cobalion x 3 ( Candy x 9 ) | TopCP: 2,106 | TopIV: 80% |
Virizion x 1 ( Candy x 3 ) | TopCP: 2,105 | TopIV: 80% |
Zapdos x 1 ( Candy x 3 ) | TopCP: 2,448 | TopIV: 80% |
Salamence x 4 ( Candy x 43 ) | TopCP: 3,207 | TopIV: 80% |
Bagon x 1 ( Candy x 43 ) | TopCP: 1,007 | TopIV: 100% |
Metagross x 1 ( Candy x 35 ) | TopCP: 3,122 | TopIV: 58% |
Blissey x 2 ( Candy x 10 ) | TopCP: 2,507 | TopIV: 82% |
Dragonite x 1 ( Candy x 10 ) | TopCP: 3,055 | TopIV: 49% |
Machamp x 1 ( Candy x 301 ) | TopCP: 2,476 | TopIV: 64% |
Machop x 4 ( Candy x 301 ) | TopCP: 1,098 | TopIV: 62% |
Ralts x 1 ( Candy x 28 ) | TopCP: 437 | TopIV: 82% |
Snorlax x 19 ( Candy x 379 ) | TopCP: 2,934 | TopIV: 89% |
Eevee x 4 ( Candy x 282 ) | TopCP: 937 | TopIV: 84% |
Rhyhorn x 2 ( Candy x 114 ) | TopCP: 1,386 | TopIV: 78% |
Darumaka x 4 ( Candy x 2,511 ) | TopCP: 1,141 | TopIV: 64% |
Aron x 6 ( Candy x 530 ) | TopCP: 1,154 | TopIV: 80% |
Geodude x 11 ( Candy x 394 ) | TopCP: 1,126 | TopIV: 80% |
Treecko x 4 ( Candy x 253 ) | TopCP: 901 | TopIV: 78% |
Trapinch x 5 ( Candy x 191 ) | TopCP: 1,126 | TopIV: 73% |
Charmander x 2 ( Candy x 169 ) | TopCP: 852 | TopIV: 76% |
Torchic x 2 ( Candy x 152 ) | TopCP: 918 | TopIV: 80% |
Gengar x 3 ( Candy x 117 ) | TopCP: 2,596 | TopIV: 80% |
Roggenrola x 3 ( Candy x 114 ) | TopCP: 1,005 | TopIV: 78% |
Swablu x 1 ( Candy x 104 ) | TopCP: 652 | TopIV: 44% |
Nuzleaf x 1 ( Candy x 90 ) | TopCP: 1,057 | TopIV: 80% |
Seedot x 1 ( Candy x 90 ) | TopCP: 458 | TopIV: 67% |
Porygon x 1 ( Candy x 28 ) | TopCP: 1,450 | TopIV: 58% |
Bulbasaur x 5 ( Candy x 186 ) | TopCP: 966 | TopIV: 76% |
Mudkip x 1 ( Candy x 117 ) | TopCP: 909 | TopIV: 69% |
Lapras x 1 ( Candy x 3 ) | TopCP: 2,307 | TopIV: 62% |
Gyarados x 2 ( Candy x 124 ) | TopCP: 3,045 | TopIV: 69% |
Magikarp x 1 ( Candy x 124 ) | TopCP: 160 | TopIV: 56% |
Roselia x 1 ( Candy x 28 ) | TopCP: 1,423 | TopIV: 69% |
Magnemite x 10 ( Candy x 797 ) | TopCP: 1,160 | TopIV: 78% |
Donphan x 1 ( Candy x 125 ) | TopCP: 2,502 | TopIV: 69% |
Phanpy x 4 ( Candy x 125 ) | TopCP: 1,077 | TopIV: 87% |
Exeggcute x 3 ( Candy x 18 ) | TopCP: 1,091 | TopIV: 100% |
Stoutland x 1 ( Candy x 389 ) | TopCP: 2,342 | TopIV: 100% |
Lillipup x 10 ( Candy x 389 ) | TopCP: 795 | TopIV: 78% |
Chespin x 3 ( Candy x 185 ) | TopCP: 976 | TopIV: 89% |
Fennekin x 4 ( Candy x 167 ) | TopCP: 907 | TopIV: 78% |
Froakie x 2 ( Candy x 133 ) | TopCP: 811 | TopIV: 73% |
Chikorita x 2 ( Candy x 67 ) | TopCP: 773 | TopIV: 64% |
Cyndaquil x 1 ( Candy x 40 ) | TopCP: 776 | TopIV: 58% |
Golett x 1 ( Candy x 6 ) | TopCP: 976 | TopIV: 62% |
Litleo x 4 ( Candy x 260 ) | TopCP: 1,259 | TopIV: 69% |
Bunnelby x 1 ( Candy x 505 ) | TopCP: 90 | TopIV: 96% |
Kingler x 4 ( Candy x 471 ) | TopCP: 2,381 | TopIV: 84% |
Pikachu x 1 ( Candy x 445 ) | TopCP: 795 | TopIV: 71% |
Weedle x 1 ( Candy x 151 ) | TopCP: 365 | TopIV: 78% |
Clefairy x 1 ( Candy x 88 ) | TopCP: 933 | TopIV: 80% |
Ninetales x 1 ( Candy x 81 ) | TopCP: 1,962 | TopIV: 69% |
Sandslash x 1 ( Candy x 63 ) | TopCP: 1,986 | TopIV: 53% |
Sandshrew x 2 ( Candy x 63 ) | TopCP: 1,127 | TopIV: 78% |
Throh x 1 ( Candy x 51 ) | TopCP: 1,343 | TopIV: 29% |
Hitmonlee x 1 ( Candy x 34 ) | TopCP: 2,219 | TopIV: 62% |
Stunfisk x 3 ( Candy x 9 ) | TopCP: 1,850 | TopIV: 80% |
Cubone x 1 ( Candy x 7 ) | TopCP: 794 | TopIV: 53% |
Dwebble x 2 ( Candy x 66 ) | TopCP: 962 | TopIV: 91% |
Glameow x 1 ( Candy x 301 ) | TopCP: 102 | TopIV: 18% |
Goldeen x 1 ( Candy x 35 ) | TopCP: 748 | TopIV: 71% |
Sentret x 1 ( Candy x 131 ) | TopCP: 121 | TopIV: 24% |
===== All Pokemon x 264 ===============================================================
Pokemon | IV | Lv | CP | Candy | Move | A/D/S
001.Salamence | 56% | 33 | 3,207 | 43 | Bite DracoMeteor | 15/04/06
002.Salamence | 49% | 34 | 3,198 | 43 | DragonTail HydroPump | 05/05/12
003.Salamence | 80% | 31 | 3,182 | 43 | Bite FireBlast | 10/14/12
004.Metagross | 58% | 31 | 3,122 | 35 | BulletPunch Earthquake | 05/07/14
005.Salamence | 78% | 30 | 3,115 | 43 | FireFang FireBlast | 10/10/15
006.Dragonite | 49% | 30 | 3,055 | 10 | DragonTail DragonClaw | 09/04/09
007.Gyarados | 69% | 35 | 3,045 | 124 | Waterfall Twister | 14/12/05
008.Gyarados | 67% | 35 | 3,002 | 124 | DragonBreath Outrage | 08/09/13
009.Snorlax | 78% | 35 | 2,934 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt Earthquake | 14/13/08
010.Snorlax | 69% | 35 | 2,888 | 379 | Lick SuperPower | 13/08/10
011.Zekrom | 100% | 25 | 2,884 | 320 | ChargeBeam Outrage | 15/15/15
012.Zekrom | 93% | 25 | 2,858 | 320 | ChargeBeam Crunch | 13/14/15
013.Reshiram | 87% | 25 | 2,846 | 18 | DragonBreath Crunch | 15/12/12
014.Zekrom | 91% | 25 | 2,845 | 320 | ChargeBeam Crunch | 11/15/15
015.Reshiram | 82% | 25 | 2,819 | 18 | FireFang Overheat | 11/15/11
016.Reshiram | 82% | 25 | 2,815 | 18 | FireFang StoneEdge | 10/15/12
017.Snorlax | 49% | 35 | 2,758 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt Outrage | 05/05/12
018.Snorlax | 69% | 32 | 2,739 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt HeavySlam | 13/04/14
019.Snorlax | 64% | 30 | 2,665 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt HeavySlam | 13/10/06
020.Heatran | 82% | 25 | 2,626 | 15 | BugBite IronHead | 13/11/13
021.Gengar | 80% | 35 | 2,596 | 117 | SuckerPunch SludgeBomb | 13/08/15
022.Snorlax | 58% | 30 | 2,595 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt Earthquake | 05/15/06
023.Kyurem | 96% | 25 | 2,537 | 51 | DragonBreath DracoMeteor | 14/14/15
024.Gengar | 78% | 33 | 2,511 | 117 | SuckerPunch SludgeBomb | 14/11/10
025.Gengar | 78% | 33 | 2,510 | 117 | Hex SludgeBomb | 13/11/11
026.Blissey | 82% | 35 | 2,507 | 10 | Pound Psychic | 14/11/12
027.Snorlax | 38% | 30 | 2,503 | 379 | Lick BodySlam | 02/06/09
028.Donphan | 69% | 31 | 2,502 | 125 | Charm Earthquake | 08/09/14
029.Kyurem | 80% | 25 | 2,499 | 51 | DragonBreath DracoMeteor | 15/10/11
030.Kyurem | 80% | 25 | 2,481 | 51 | DragonBreath Blizzard | 10/13/13
031.Snorlax | 22% | 30 | 2,478 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt SuperPower | 04/01/05
032.Machamp | 64% | 30 | 2,476 | 301 | Counter HeavySlam | 07/07/15
033.TapuLele | 91% | 25 | 2,470 | 18 | Astonish Futuresight | 15/14/12
034.TapuLele | 91% | 25 | 2,468 | 18 | Confusion Futuresight | 14/14/13
035.TapuLele | 87% | 25 | 2,457 | 18 | Confusion FocusBlast | 14/12/13
036.TapuLele | 87% | 25 | 2,453 | 18 | Astonish Psyshock | 13/13/13
037.Snorlax | 71% | 28 | 2,450 | 379 | Lick HeavySlam | 06/14/12
038.Snorlax | 16% | 30 | 2,448 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt HeavySlam | 00/06/01
039.Zapdos | 80% | 25 | 2,448 | 3 | ChargeBeam DrillPeck | 10/13/13
040.Snorlax | 58% | 28 | 2,388 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt HeavySlam | 04/07/15
041.Snorlax | 56% | 28 | 2,382 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt Outrage | 03/09/13
042.Kingler | 62% | 32 | 2,381 | 471 | MetalClaw XScissor | 14/08/06
043.Kingler | 84% | 30 | 2,375 | 471 | Bubble Crabhammer | 13/10/15
044.Genesect | 89% | 25 | 2,354 | 27 | MetalClaw TechnoBlastShock | 11/14/15
045.Stoutland | 100% | 29 | 2,342 | 389 | Lick WildCharge | 15/15/15
046.Snorlax | 80% | 26 | 2,335 | 379 | Lick Earthquake | 14/08/14
047.Snorlax | 69% | 26 | 2,315 | 379 | Lick SuperPower | 11/15/05
048.Lapras | 62% | 35 | 2,307 | 3 | FrostBreath SkullBash | 07/15/06
049.Zekrom | 96% | 20 | 2,294 | 320 | DragonBreath Crunch | 14/15/14
050.Snorlax | 60% | 26 | 2,290 | 379 | ZenHeadbutt SkullBash | 15/01/11
Pokemon | IV | Lv | CP | Candy | Move | A/D/S
051.Reshiram | 91% | 20 | 2,281 | 18 | DragonBreath StoneEdge | 13/15/13
052.Reshiram | 89% | 20 | 2,273 | 18 | DragonBreath Overheat | 12/14/14
053.Snorlax | 89% | 25 | 2,268 | 379 | Lick HeavySlam | 14/11/15
054.Kingler | 51% | 30 | 2,265 | 471 | MetalClaw Crabhammer | 11/06/06
055.Zekrom | 80% | 20 | 2,258 | 320 | ChargeBeam WildCharge | 14/12/10
056.Zekrom | 84% | 20 | 2,257 | 320 | ChargeBeam Crunch | 10/15/13
057.Zekrom | 82% | 20 | 2,252 | 320 | ChargeBeam FlashCannon | 10/13/14
058.Zekrom | 76% | 20 | 2,245 | 320 | ChargeBeam WildCharge | 13/11/10
059.Reshiram | 76% | 20 | 2,242 | 18 | DragonBreath StoneEdge | 12/12/10
060.Deoxys | 91% | 25 | 2,229 | 187 | ZenHeadbutt HyperBeam | 14/15/12
061.TapuKoko | 87% | 25 | 2,225 | 18 | VoltSwitch Thunderbolt | 14/10/15
062.Hitmonlee | 62% | 34 | 2,219 | 34 | RockSmash LowSweep | 08/10/10
063.Deoxys | 80% | 25 | 2,194 | 187 | ChargeBeam HyperBeam | 10/13/13
064.Kingler | 29% | 30 | 2,182 | 471 | MetalClaw WaterPulse | 05/06/02
065.Snorlax | 84% | 24 | 2,164 | 379 | Lick SkullBash | 12/14/12
066.Regice | 78% | 25 | 2,164 | 18 | LockOn Thunder | 12/12/11
067.Blissey | 56% | 30 | 2,145 | 10 | Pound Psychic | 04/10/11
068.Heatran | 93% | 20 | 2,124 | 15 | BugBite Flamethrower | 13/15/14
069.Heatran | 91% | 20 | 2,116 | 15 | FireSpin IronHead | 12/14/15
070.Cobalion | 80% | 25 | 2,106 | 9 | MetalClaw SacredSword | 13/11/12
071.Virizion | 80% | 25 | 2,105 | 3 | QuickAttack SacredSword | 13/13/10
072.Heatran | 80% | 20 | 2,086 | 15 | BugBite StoneEdge | 10/11/15
073.Heatran | 76% | 20 | 2,077 | 15 | BugBite FireBlast | 10/12/12
074.Terrakion | 84% | 20 | 2,070 | 9 | SmackDown SacredSword | 12/13/13
075.Terrakion | 82% | 20 | 2,063 | 9 | SmackDown SacredSword | 11/15/11
076.Terrakion | 78% | 20 | 2,053 | 9 | SmackDown SacredSword | 11/13/11
077.Kyurem | 93% | 20 | 2,027 | 51 | DragonBreath DracoMeteor | 15/13/14
078.Kyurem | 89% | 20 | 2,021 | 51 | DragonBreath Blizzard | 15/14/11
079.Kyurem | 89% | 20 | 2,015 | 51 | DragonBreath Blizzard | 13/15/12
080.Kyurem | 89% | 20 | 2,013 | 51 | DragonBreath DragonClaw | 13/14/13
081.Kyurem | 84% | 20 | 2,012 | 51 | DragonBreath Blizzard | 15/13/10
082.Kyurem | 87% | 20 | 2,011 | 51 | DragonBreath DracoMeteor | 13/15/11
083.Kyurem | 87% | 20 | 2,007 | 51 | DragonBreath Blizzard | 12/15/12
084.Kyurem | 89% | 20 | 2,003 | 51 | SteelWing DracoMeteor | 10/15/15
085.Kyurem | 87% | 20 | 2,002 | 51 | SteelWing DracoMeteor | 11/14/14
086.Kyurem | 80% | 20 | 1,996 | 51 | DragonBreath DracoMeteor | 13/13/10
087.Kyurem | 82% | 20 | 1,994 | 51 | SteelWing Blizzard | 11/14/12
088.Kyurem | 82% | 20 | 1,992 | 51 | DragonBreath Blizzard | 11/13/13
089.Deoxys | 80% | 25 | 1,992 | 187 | ZenHeadbutt Swift | 11/14/11
090.Sandslash | 53% | 33 | 1,986 | 63 | MudShot Bulldoze | 08/09/07
091.Cresselia | 82% | 25 | 1,986 | 12 | PsychoCut GrassKnot | 12/13/12
092.Kyurem | 78% | 20 | 1,985 | 51 | DragonBreath DracoMeteor | 11/13/11
093.Kyurem | 76% | 20 | 1,977 | 51 | DragonBreath Blizzard | 10/13/11
094.TapuLele | 84% | 20 | 1,962 | 18 | Confusion FocusBlast | 15/11/12
095.Ninetales | 69% | 33 | 1,962 | 81 | FeintAttack WeatherBallFire | 12/10/09
096.TapuLele | 76% | 20 | 1,932 | 18 | Astonish FocusBlast | 10/11/13
097.Genesect | 89% | 20 | 1,890 | 27 | MetalClaw TechnoBlastShock | 14/12/14
098.Genesect | 89% | 20 | 1,888 | 27 | FuryCutter TechnoBlastShock | 13/13/14
099.Genesect | 89% | 20 | 1,887 | 27 | FuryCutter TechnoBlastShock | 13/14/13
100.Genesect | 84% | 20 | 1,879 | 27 | MetalClaw TechnoBlastShock | 14/14/10
Pokemon | IV | Lv | CP | Candy | Move | A/D/S
101.Genesect | 84% | 20 | 1,878 | 27 | FuryCutter TechnoBlastShock | 13/12/13
102.Genesect | 84% | 20 | 1,871 | 27 | FuryCutter TechnoBlastShock | 10/13/15
103.Genesect | 84% | 20 | 1,871 | 27 | MetalClaw TechnoBlastShock | 10/14/14
104.Genesect | 80% | 20 | 1,864 | 27 | MetalClaw TechnoBlastShock | 11/11/14
105.Stunfisk | 80% | 32 | 1,850 | 9 | MudShot MudBomb | 12/10/14
106.Stunfisk | 58% | 34 | 1,805 | 9 | ThunderShock MudBomb | 04/10/12
107.Tornadus | 84% | 20 | 1,803 | 18 | Gust Psychic | 14/11/13
108.Tornadus | 82% | 20 | 1,798 | 18 | Gust FocusBlast | 14/11/12
109.TapuKoko | 93% | 20 | 1,796 | 18 | QuickAttack Thunder | 15/14/13
110.TapuKoko | 93% | 20 | 1,794 | 18 | QuickAttack DazzlingGleam | 14/15/13
111.Tornadus | 80% | 20 | 1,788 | 18 | Astonish Hurricane | 12/10/14
112.Tornadus | 82% | 20 | 1,787 | 18 | Gust Hurricane | 10/13/14
113.TapuKoko | 89% | 20 | 1,784 | 18 | VoltSwitch Thunderbolt | 14/13/13
114.Tornadus | 80% | 20 | 1,783 | 18 | Astonish FocusBlast | 10/11/15
115.Regice | 96% | 20 | 1,775 | 18 | LockOn Thunder | 15/15/13
116.Deoxys | 78% | 25 | 1,771 | 187 | ZenHeadbutt ZapCannon | 11/13/11
117.Tornadus | 73% | 20 | 1,770 | 18 | Astonish HeatWave | 10/11/12
118.Regirock | 89% | 20 | 1,767 | 18 | RockSmash Earthquake | 15/12/13
119.TapuKoko | 82% | 20 | 1,766 | 18 | QuickAttack BraveBird | 12/12/13
120.Regirock | 93% | 20 | 1,761 | 18 | RockThrow Earthquake | 13/15/14
121.Regirock | 84% | 20 | 1,758 | 18 | RockThrow Earthquake | 15/12/11
122.Regirock | 84% | 20 | 1,753 | 18 | LockOn Earthquake | 14/12/12
123.Regice | 82% | 20 | 1,746 | 18 | LockOn Thunder | 13/11/13
124.TapuKoko | 73% | 20 | 1,744 | 18 | QuickAttack BraveBird | 10/10/13
125.Regirock | 80% | 20 | 1,740 | 18 | LockOn Earthquake | 13/12/11
126.Regice-s | 84% | 20 | 1,739 | 18 | LockOn Thunder | 12/15/11
127.Regice | 87% | 20 | 1,734 | 18 | FrostBreath Thunder | 10/15/14
128.Regice | 78% | 20 | 1,729 | 18 | FrostBreath Thunder | 12/13/10
129.Regirock | 78% | 20 | 1,723 | 18 | LockOn Earthquake | 10/11/14
130.Stunfisk | 44% | 31 | 1,718 | 9 | MudShot Discharge | 07/06/07
131.Snorlax | 82% | 19 | 1,692 | 379 | Lick SuperPower | 09/14/14
132.Cobalion | 69% | 20 | 1,657 | 9 | MetalClaw SacredSword | 11/10/10
133.Cobalion | 71% | 20 | 1,656 | 9 | MetalClaw SacredSword | 10/12/10
134.Cresselia | 87% | 20 | 1,588 | 12 | Confusion GrassKnot | 11/14/14
135.Cresselia | 76% | 20 | 1,580 | 12 | Confusion GrassKnot | 12/12/10
136.Cresselia | 78% | 20 | 1,569 | 12 | PsychoCut GrassKnot | 10/14/11
137.Porygon | 58% | 33 | 1,450 | 28 | ChargeBeam HyperBeam | 13/07/06
138.Deoxys | 87% | 20 | 1,436 | 187 | PoisonJab DarkPulse | 11/13/15
139.Roselia | 69% | 28 | 1,423 | 28 | RazorLeaf DazzlingGleam | 14/06/11
140.Deoxys | 80% | 20 | 1,420 | 187 | PoisonJab ZapCannon | 12/13/11
141.Rhyhorn | 78% | 31 | 1,386 | 114 | MudSlap HornAttack | 13/11/11
142.Registeel | 87% | 20 | 1,382 | 30 | RockSmash ZapCannon | 15/11/13
143.Rhyhorn | 53% | 34 | 1,377 | 114 | MudSlap Bulldoze | 07/09/08
144.Registeel | 82% | 20 | 1,356 | 30 | RockSmash ZapCannon | 12/14/11
145.Registeel | 78% | 20 | 1,356 | 30 | LockOn ZapCannon | 13/12/10
146.Registeel | 78% | 20 | 1,351 | 30 | RockSmash ZapCannon | 12/12/11
147.Throh-s | 29% | 20 | 1,343 | 51 | ZenHeadbutt LowSweep | 12/01/00
148.Registeel | 76% | 20 | 1,335 | 30 | LockOn ZapCannon | 10/14/10
149.Registeel | 71% | 20 | 1,330 | 30 | MetalClaw ZapCannon | 10/12/10
150.Litleo | 69% | 35 | 1,259 | 260 | Tackle FlameCharge | 14/10/07
Pokemon | IV | Lv | CP | Candy | Move | A/D/S
151.Deoxys | 82% | 20 | 1,246 | 187 | ZenHeadbutt PsychoBoost | 10/15/12
152.Litleo | 64% | 35 | 1,207 | 260 | Tackle Flamethrower | 04/12/13
153.Litleo | 67% | 33 | 1,180 | 260 | Tackle Flamethrower | 05/13/12
154.Magnemite | 78% | 32 | 1,160 | 797 | ThunderShock MagnetBomb | 15/06/14
155.Litleo | 64% | 30 | 1,159 | 260 | Ember Crunch | 15/10/04
156.Aron | 80% | 35 | 1,154 | 530 | Tackle BodySlam | 10/12/14
157.Magnemite | 69% | 33 | 1,148 | 797 | ThunderShock MagnetBomb | 10/10/11
158.Darumaka | 64% | 30 | 1,141 | 2,511 | Tackle IcePunch | 07/11/11
159.Darumaka | 62% | 30 | 1,130 | 2,511 | Tackle IcePunch | 08/07/13
160.Sandshrew | 78% | 35 | 1,127 | 63 | Scratch SandTomb | 15/06/14
161.Geodude | 64% | 35 | 1,126 | 394 | RockThrow RockTomb | 13/05/11
162.Trapinch | 73% | 35 | 1,126 | 191 | StruggleBug Dig | 12/15/06
163.Geodude | 80% | 34 | 1,125 | 394 | RockThrow RockTomb | 10/14/12
164.Magnemite | 47% | 34 | 1,119 | 797 | Spark Discharge | 13/04/04
165.Geodude | 73% | 34 | 1,119 | 394 | RockThrow RockTomb | 12/14/07
166.Magnemite | 60% | 32 | 1,111 | 797 | ThunderShock MagnetBomb | 08/05/14
167.Magnemite | 51% | 33 | 1,108 | 797 | ThunderShock Discharge | 11/07/05
168.Darumaka | 49% | 30 | 1,104 | 2,511 | IceFang IceBeam | 10/02/10
169.Darumaka | 53% | 30 | 1,103 | 2,511 | IceFang IcePunch | 09/01/14
170.Machop | 62% | 35 | 1,098 | 301 | RockSmash CrossChop | 09/12/07
171.Geodude | 69% | 33 | 1,095 | 394 | Tackle RockTomb | 12/10/09
172.Aron | 69% | 33 | 1,095 | 530 | Tackle BodySlam | 09/15/07
173.Geodude | 60% | 35 | 1,092 | 394 | Tackle Dig | 07/15/05
174.Exeggcute | 100% | 35 | 1,091 | 18 | Confusion SeedBomb | 15/15/15
175.Magnemite | 69% | 30 | 1,090 | 797 | Spark Discharge | 13/14/04
176.Magnemite | 62% | 31 | 1,087 | 797 | ThunderShock MagnetBomb | 04/12/12
177.Sandshrew | 64% | 35 | 1,083 | 63 | Scratch RockSlide | 09/13/07
178.Magnemite | 62% | 30 | 1,081 | 797 | ThunderShock Thunderbolt | 09/05/14
179.Aron | 64% | 32 | 1,080 | 530 | Tackle RockTomb | 11/09/09
180.Aron | 78% | 31 | 1,079 | 530 | MetalClaw BodySlam | 10/14/11
181.Phanpy | 87% | 34 | 1,077 | 125 | RockSmash RockSlide | 14/13/12
182.Aron | 71% | 31 | 1,077 | 530 | MetalClaw IronHead | 12/15/05
183.Exeggcute | 100% | 34 | 1,074 | 18 | BulletSeed AncientPower | 15/15/15
184.Geodude | 64% | 32 | 1,069 | 394 | Tackle Dig | 12/11/06
185.Geodude | 60% | 32 | 1,065 | 394 | RockThrow RockTomb | 13/08/06
186.Aron | 69% | 32 | 1,064 | 530 | Tackle RockTomb | 06/13/12
187.Trapinch | 67% | 33 | 1,058 | 191 | StruggleBug Dig | 12/05/13
188.Nuzleaf | 80% | 34 | 1,057 | 90 | FeintAttack FoulPlay | 08/13/15
189.Magnemite | 53% | 30 | 1,054 | 797 | Spark Thunderbolt | 05/08/11
190.Trapinch | 56% | 34 | 1,053 | 191 | MudShot SandTomb | 12/04/09
191.Machop | 62% | 34 | 1,053 | 301 | KarateChop LowSweep | 04/10/14
192.Geodude | 53% | 34 | 1,052 | 394 | Tackle RockTomb | 04/15/05
193.Phanpy | 67% | 34 | 1,051 | 125 | RockSmash BodySlam | 15/09/06
194.Geodude | 53% | 32 | 1,050 | 394 | RockThrow Dig | 12/06/06
195.Trapinch | 53% | 33 | 1,037 | 191 | MudShot SandTomb | 10/08/06
196.Geodude | 60% | 32 | 1,035 | 394 | RockThrow RockSlide | 05/15/07
197.Trapinch | 62% | 31 | 1,018 | 191 | MudShot SandTomb | 04/14/10
198.Phanpy | 64% | 35 | 1,013 | 125 | Tackle RockSlide | 08/06/15
199.Geodude | 58% | 30 | 1,008 | 394 | Tackle RockSlide | 07/04/15
200.Bagon | 100% | 31 | 1,007 | 43 | Bite Flamethrower | 15/15/15
Pokemon | IV | Lv | CP | Candy | Move | A/D/S
201.Roggenrola | 67% | 32 | 1,005 | 114 | SmackDown Bulldoze | 13/11/06
202.Machop | 47% | 32 | 1,001 | 301 | KarateChop LowSweep | 04/10/07
203.Machop | 60% | 30 | 996 | 301 | KarateChop BrickBreak | 11/04/12
204.Roggenrola | 64% | 32 | 990 | 114 | SmackDown RockBlast | 10/12/07
205.Roggenrola | 78% | 31 | 986 | 114 | SmackDown StoneEdge | 08/15/12
206.Phanpy | 73% | 30 | 980 | 125 | RockSmash RockSlide | 11/14/08
207.Chespin | 89% | 34 | 976 | 185 | VineWhip SeedBomb | 13/14/13
208.Golett | 62% | 33 | 976 | 6 | MudSlap BrickBreak | 06/14/08
209.Bulbasaur | 76% | 35 | 966 | 186 | VineWhip PowerWhip | 08/14/12
210.Dwebble | 64% | 31 | 962 | 66 | SmackDown RockTomb | 04/13/12
211.Chespin | 78% | 35 | 960 | 185 | VineWhip SeedBomb | 11/09/15
212.Snorlax | 60% | 11 | 942 | 379 | Lick Earthquake | 02/15/10
213.Bulbasaur | 64% | 34 | 940 | 186 | Tackle SludgeBomb | 10/08/11
214.Eevee | 76% | 34 | 937 | 282 | QuickAttack Dig | 15/05/14
215.Clefairy | 80% | 30 | 933 | 88 | ZenHeadbutt BodySlam | 09/14/13
216.Bulbasaur | 71% | 34 | 932 | 186 | Tackle PowerWhip | 05/15/12
217.Eevee | 84% | 32 | 919 | 282 | QuickAttack Dig | 14/10/14
218.Torchic | 69% | 33 | 918 | 152 | Ember Flamethrower | 10/14/07
219.Mudkip | 69% | 31 | 909 | 117 | WaterGun Sludge | 10/07/14
220.Fennekin | 78% | 35 | 907 | 167 | Scratch FlameCharge | 13/07/15
221.Chespin | 69% | 32 | 905 | 185 | VineWhip SeedBomb | 12/05/14
222.Bulbasaur | 56% | 34 | 903 | 186 | Tackle SeedBomb | 04/11/10
223.Treecko | 69% | 34 | 901 | 253 | Pound GrassKnot | 12/13/06
224.Eevee | 76% | 33 | 896 | 282 | QuickAttack Swift | 08/15/11
225.Torchic | 80% | 30 | 895 | 152 | Ember RockTomb | 13/10/13
226.Bulbasaur | 60% | 30 | 891 | 186 | VineWhip SeedBomb | 15/06/06
227.Fennekin | 71% | 34 | 875 | 167 | Scratch Psyshock | 10/12/10
228.Treecko | 60% | 34 | 870 | 253 | Pound GrassKnot | 06/15/06
229.Treecko | 78% | 31 | 868 | 253 | Pound GrassKnot | 12/08/15
230.Fennekin | 78% | 32 | 861 | 167 | Scratch Psyshock | 11/11/13
231.Charmander | 76% | 34 | 852 | 169 | Scratch FlameCharge | 13/15/06
232.Eevee | 47% | 30 | 822 | 282 | Tackle Swift | 11/01/09
233.Treecko | 49% | 32 | 817 | 253 | BulletSeed EnergyBall | 06/04/12
234.Froakie | 73% | 31 | 811 | 133 | Pound WaterPulse | 12/09/12
235.Fennekin | 60% | 31 | 805 | 167 | Scratch Flamethrower | 06/13/08
236.Froakie | 67% | 30 | 801 | 133 | Bubble Surf | 15/13/02
237.Lillipup | 71% | 35 | 795 | 389 | Tackle Thunderbolt | 13/08/11
238.Pikachu | 71% | 33 | 795 | 445 | ThunderShock Thunderbolt | 14/09/09
239.Cubone | 53% | 33 | 794 | 7 | MudSlap BoneClub | 04/13/07
240.Lillipup | 69% | 34 | 782 | 389 | Tackle Dig | 12/13/06
241.Cyndaquil | 58% | 32 | 776 | 40 | Tackle Flamethrower | 06/12/08
242.Chikorita | 56% | 35 | 773 | 67 | Tackle EnergyBall | 08/07/10
243.Lillipup | 69% | 34 | 770 | 389 | Tackle RockTomb | 12/04/15
244.Lillipup | 71% | 32 | 770 | 389 | TakeDown RockTomb | 15/12/05
245.Lillipup | 73% | 32 | 769 | 389 | Tackle Thunderbolt | 13/15/05
246.Chikorita | 64% | 31 | 750 | 67 | VineWhip BodySlam | 11/07/11
247.Goldeen-s | 71% | 24 | 748 | 35 | Peck HornAttack | 13/14/05
248.Lillipup | 78% | 30 | 732 | 389 | Tackle Dig | 08/15/12
249.Charmander | 49% | 30 | 732 | 169 | Scratch Flamethrower | 07/00/15
250.Lillipup | 67% | 30 | 717 | 389 | TakeDown Thunderbolt | 10/07/13
Pokemon | IV | Lv | CP | Candy | Move | A/D/S
251.Lillipup | 53% | 32 | 710 | 389 | Tackle Thunderbolt | 07/04/13
252.Lillipup | 60% | 31 | 709 | 389 | TakeDown Thunderbolt | 06/09/12
253.Magnemite | 51% | 19 | 659 | 797 | ThunderShock Discharge | 00/09/14
254.Swablu | 44% | 34 | 652 | 104 | Peck IceBeam | 08/08/04
255.Lillipup-s | 44% | 23 | 509 | 389 | TakeDown RockTomb | 01/12/07
256.Seedot | 67% | 32 | 458 | 90 | QuickAttack GrassKnot | 05/13/12
257.Ralts | 82% | 30 | 437 | 28 | ChargeBeam Psyshock | 12/15/10
258.Weedle | 78% | 33 | 365 | 151 | PoisonSting Struggle | 07/15/13
259.Exeggcute | 56% | 8 | 238 | 18 | Confusion Psychic | 08/06/11
260.Dwebble | 91% | 6 | 196 | 66 | Cut RockTomb | 12/14/15
261.Magikarp | 56% | 30 | 160 | 124 | Splash Struggle | 02/09/14
262.Sentret-s | 24% | 9 | 121 | 131 | Scratch GrassKnot | 01/07/03
263.Glameow-s | 18% | 5 | 102 | 301 | Scratch PlayRough | 04/03/01
264.Bunnelby | 96% | 6 | 90 | 505 | MudSlap Earthquake | 15/13/15
All Accounts with: [PTC] [NoSlash] [NotBlind] [NoWarning] [Email Changeable] [Pokemon Full Detail Info]
TGS/LvL 40/Legendary x100(IV100Zekrom,Deoxys x7,Reshiram x6,Cresselia x4,Zapdos)/IV100 x5(Bagon)/Shiny x6(Regice)/Metagross/Salamence x4/904817Dust
[ $86.00] TGS/LvL 40/Legendary x112(IV100Reshiram,IV100Heatran,Zekrom x3)/IV100 x16/Shiny x22(Deoxys,Cresselia)/Slaking/Salamence x3/Instinct/1389623Dust
[ $54.00] TGS/LvL 40/Legendary x61(TapuLele x7)/IV100 x8(Bagon)/Shiny x26(Deoxys x2,Thundurus,Slakoth)/Tyranitar/Salamence x3/Dragonite x2/Mystic/1395375Dust
[ $52.80] TGS/LvL 40/Legendary x53(TapuLele x6)/IV100 x18(Bagon x2,Togetic)/Shiny x22(Deoxys,Tornadus)/Deino/Slakoth x2/Salamence x3/Dratini x8/1514986Dust
[ $21.00] TGS/LvL 30/Legendary x12(Dialga x12)/Shiny x4(Dialga x2,Dratini,Ralts)/Bagon x6(883Candy)/Garchomp x4/Gible x20/Mystic/295425Dust
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